Another source of funding, particularly during the period of US quantitative easing, has been the offshore bond market. 融资的另一大来源是离岸债券市场(尤其是在美国量化宽松期间)。
The company had negative operating cash flow in the first six months of 2013, requiring it to tap external funding to meet its financial needs and obligations, according to the prospectus of a recent bond offering. 根据万达近期的债券募集说明书,去年上半年和今年上半年,公司的营运现金流均为负值,需筹集外部资金以满足其财务需求。
Mr Draghi says the programme is not about providing cheap funding for governments but about ensuring the proper functioning of bond markets. 德拉吉表示,该计划的意义不是向各国政府提供廉价融资,而是要确保债券市场的正常运行。
Making matters worse, developers are losing access to funding, having been frozen out of public bond markets for the past three months. 更糟的是,开发商正失去资金来源,过去三个月来,它们被挡在公开债券市场门外。
The market has also imposed tougher discipline on institutions with highly leveraged balance sheets and fragile funding as the collapse of MF global, the bond broker, showed late last year. 正如债券经纪商mfglobal去年破产所显示的,市场也对资产负债表高度杠杆化、资金状况脆弱的机构施加了更严厉的惩戒。
Official funding used for petroleum reserve should come manly from state investment and other various channels, such as policy loans or bond issuance. 政府储备资金应以国家投资为主,并广开融资渠道,利用政策性贷款、发行债券等多种方式予以解决。
The situation is trickiest for companies in the troubled eurozone periphery because high interest rates for governments feed through to corporate funding costs either via bank borrowing or corporate bond costs. 欧元区外围危机国家的企业,面临的局面最为棘手,因为国债高企的利率可能通过银行信贷或企业债券成本传导到企业融资成本中。
Banks across the eurozone periphery have been frozen out of commercial funding markets for months, as investors have shied away from all but the most trusted bond issuers. 欧元区外围国家的银行被商业融资市场挡在门外已有好几个月,除了那些最受信任的债券发行者外,投资者回避这些银行。
The funding hole for European banks is deepening following a sharp fall in bond issuance this year as market turmoil leads to a region-wide credit crunch. 欧洲银行业的融资缺口正在加深,此前市场动荡造成欧洲信贷紧缩,债券发行量急剧下降。
Italian and Spanish banks accelerated their sovereign debt purchases by a record monthly amount in January, underlining how the use of cheap funding from the European Central Bank has contributed to a bond rally among peripheral eurozone countries. 今年1月,意大利和西班牙银行购买主权债券规模的月度增速达到创纪录水平,这突显出利用欧洲央行(ecb)廉价融资的行为导致欧元区外围国家债券价格上涨。
And it should be noted it has not really affected actual funding costs yet: irrespective of CDS prices, the US government is still able to borrow money in the bond markets more cheaply than large American companies, including the 70 which now have tighter spreads. 应当注意,它尚未对实际融资成本造成实质性的影响:无论CDS价格高低,美国政府仍能够以低于美国大公司的成本,从债券市场上筹资&其中包括利差更窄的那70家公司。
Fears of a year-end money market funding crisis eased yesterday, but market relief was swiftly undermined by fresh concerns over the financial status of bond insurers. 市场对年终货币市场出现融资危机的担忧昨日有所缓解,但市场轻松情绪旋即消失,转而为债券保险公司的财务状况担忧。
Therefore need to solve by means of financing sources of funding, the main source of funding for traditional financing models, including government support, bank borrowings and bond financing. 因而需要通过融资手段来解决资金来源问题,主要的资金来源是传统融资模式,包括政府扶持、银行借款以及债券融资。